rgeomex is a package developed in the CENAPRECE dengue prevention and control program in collaboration with INDRE, & the Yucatan state.
Geographical datasets from the INEGI and INE are available in the R package rgeomex. Geographical dataset at various resolutions (states, municipalities, localities, agebs, blocks, sectors, and neighborhoods) constitute the majority of the package’s content.
rgeomex constitutes a transversal package of the ETVerse and IVAverse initiatives. rgeomex, together with denepikit, denhotspots, deneggs, and dencontrol packages, constitute a universe of packages that make up the dengueverse of the dengue prevention and control program in Mexico.
The package has six spatial datasets and functions for extract the AGEBs (extract_ageb), blocks (extract_blocks), sectores (extract_sectores) & localities (extract_locality).
spatial dataset containing polygon data of AGEBs (Area Geostadística Basica) from Mexico (INEGI 2019). The urban AGEBs are split in two files.
dataset | id_states |
rgeomex::AGEB_inegi_2019_a | 01-16 |
rgeomex::AGEB_inegi_2019_b | 17-32 |
spatial dataset containing polygon data of blocks from Mexico (INE 2020). The blocks of the urban cities are split in five files from a to e.
dataset | id_states |
blocks_ine20_mx_a | 1-10 |
blocks_ine20_mx_b | 11-14 |
blocks_ine20_mx_c | 15-19 |
blocks_ine20_mx_d | 20-25 |
blocks_ine20_mx_e | 26-32 |
spatial dataset containing polygon data sectores INE from Mexico.
dataset | id_states |
sectores_ine20_mx_a | 01-10 |
sectores_ine20_mx_b | 11-20 |
sectores_ine20_mx_c | 21-32 |
spatial dataset containing polygon data of localities from Mexico (INEGI 2019).AGEE_inegi19_mx
spatial dataset containing polygon data of AGEE (Area Geostadística Estatal) from Mexico (INEGI 2019).AGEM_inegi19_mx
spatial dataset containing polygon data of AGEM (Area Geostadística Municipal) from Mexico (INEGI 2019).
This package is currently available only in R, and we hope that it will soon become available in Python.
Installation R
You can install the released version of rgeomex from CRAN with:
And the development version from GitHub with:
Felipe Antonio Dzul Manzanilla -https://github.com/fdzul - Packages developed in github:
Fabián Correa Morales
Luis Hernández Herrera
Arturo Baez
Evaristo Morales Ríos
Heron Huerta
Dorothy Dzul-Cuevas
See also the list of contributors who participated in this project.
This project is licensed under the MIT License - see the LICENSE.md file for details
The package was inspired by the need to contribute toward making decisions in the dengue prevention and control program, specifically through the identification of dengue vector hotspots and use the entomological information generated by the program.
Getting help
If you encounter a clear bug, please file a minimal reproducible example on github. For questions and other discussion, feel free to contact me (felipe.dzul.m@gmail.com)
Please note that this project is released with a Contributor Code of Conduct. By participating in this project you agree to abide by its terms.